Brave White Worcester Cop Given PTSD By Butthurt Moron

While Eric Holder is coming to Worcester to literally call all real Worcester residents racists so the Joyce McNickle’s can profit, some real racism happened in one of our jails. A brave, veteran officer named, Michael Motyka was assaulted by a criminal that was locked up and handcuffed in a cell. Here is what I reported…

What Did Turtleboy Get Wrong About Bill Maher and One Direction?

Computer’s are magical machines where you can look up almost everything human’s know in literally two seconds. Turtleboy doesn’t seem to realize that. In his post “Bill Maher Makes One Direction-Boston Marathon Bomber Joke, PC Dooshnozzles Lose Their Minds” Turtleboy made a bunch of factual and logical errors. One of our writers listed them. 1.…